photo of woman wearing white long dress

The image of a dress and other graceful thoughts for a grown-up birthday girl.

Photo by Leeloo Thefirst on

I am grateful to see one more April.

This time, instead of fighting it, I’m stepping into it. Gently. Gracefully.

This year is coming on like a new exquisite dress.

Just my size, and made just for me.

Each pearl cost me a lesson.

It has a gem for every joy, and is stitched together with courage and grace.

I will wear it proudly because it has cost me my entire life to get to see it today.

As I start my next trip around the sun, I’m ready for it.

Eyes wide open. Heart wide open. Mind right.

This will be my best year yet and I can’t wait to see it.

Life can be messy; but it is also so rich and so good and still teaching me and molding me and refining me through trials and lessons and adversity; sculpting me into my true form, chipping away everything else.

I’m almost her, the ultimate me. One year closer. I can’t wait to meet her. And I hope she likes to drink coffee and to overuse metaphors just like me!


Written by

Missy Marilyn

Still working on it.